Search Results - daniel+weisgerber

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PARTICLE-TEMPLATED EMULSIFICATION IN WELL PLATES Researchers at UCSF have developed a new method for emulsifying droplet libraries that is highly scalable. In the past decade, droplet microfluidic technology has revolutionized the sequencing space via single cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq). This technology has vastly increased the resolution of RNA...
Published: 7/6/2023   |   Inventor(s): Adam Abate, Daniel Weisgerber
Keywords(s): Digital Droplet PCR, Emulsification, High Throughput Screening, ScRNA-seq
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Biology
TESTING DEVICES Researchers at UCSF have developed new methods and a device for at home disease testing. At home testing for SARS-CoV2 using lateral flow technology has been integral to pandemic containment efforts across the globe. Lateral flow diagnostics in general are widely available in point-of-care settings, such as for viral or bacterial...
Published: 7/6/2023   |   Inventor(s): Adam Abate, Charles Chiu, Krzysztof Langer, Daniel Weisgerber
Keywords(s): Diagnostics, Infectious Disease, LAMP, Lateral Flow Assay, PCR, Point-of-Care
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Biology